Why is it challenging for Female Founders to create and sustain their own businesses?
I close business colleague and friend of mine has been brought up puritan Catholic and networking or talking about herself is something that just doesn’t resonate with her. Now that I am in business with her, it takes an occasional nudge to say “Sara, you have done this before right, why don’t you talk about it?” Or “Sara here has had some really great experiences with that tool, do you want to share Sara?” Being brought up with the ethos that “your work speaks for itself”, makes her very confident of what she can deliver, but pulls her back from speaking about her accomplishments in public. Speaking about your skills is necessary for networking, networking leads to more opportunities and therefore, more meaningful work, more business.
I am sure there are men out there too who have similar values or are not natural at talking about their accomplishments. As a coach and mentor though, I have worked with far more women who have these symptoms than men who do. Women are brought up to be communal, matriarchal, docile, being a backstage support. Perhaps that sounds regressive, but this is the reality today in many places. That’s why feminine leadership is often associated with being emotional, connection based and sensitive. When a woman defies those expectations, that's when we actually get to see the challenges that female founders face.
Funding and training gaps: Studies consistently find that women-led businesses receive less outside funding than businesses led by men. A 2014 Babson College Report (1) found that only 15% of companies receiving venture capital investment have a woman on their executive team and less than 3% have a woman CEO. Women’s marches, #metoo and #equalpay may give the impression that women empowerment is finally breaking through – but recent data suggests that female entrepreneurs in Europe have it more difficult than ever to get their companies funded. Funds being given out to women are actually dropping! When looking at venture capital funds,Fortune found that in 2016 just over 2% of the total was invested in women-led companies (3).
Networking: Inc reports that 48% of female founders lack available advisers and mentors limits their professional growth (2). There is also a lack of perspective when it comes to career growth for women, and both women and men lack that perspective. The GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) shows women were already responsible for 51.5% of new businesses created in Brazil in 2016. From these numbers alone we can rule out the common misconception that women are less ambitious when starting and running their own businesses. However, when looking at companies that are at least 42 months old, men represent 57.3% of the total, which indicates that something happens in the middle that prevents female-run businesses from standing 3.5 years later (3). Plus the difficulty in finding mentors, compromises the speed of learning and results in lack of connections.
Being taken seriously/ Unconscious and conscious bias: 66% of women founders were asked prevention-oriented questions, which focused on safety, responsibility, security, and vigilance, while 67% of male founders were asked promotion-oriented questions that focused on hopes, achievements, advancement, and ideals. But, First Round, a VC focused on seed investment, shows that portfolio investments in startups with at least one woman founder performed 63% better than investments in exclusively male teams (3). Unconscious and conscious bias plays a huge role in deciding whether or not VCs take women run businesses seriously. The gate keepers to investment are men, and they relate better to men; so most of the funding goes to men. It’s not sexism, as much as gender bias. More often than not, investments in women are often seen as a philantrophic exercise.
Self- doubt: Women need to look “entreprenuer”. A lot of women founders when meeting clients and investors, are extremely cautious of what they wear, how they sit, their body language and eye contact. Raised to be soft spoken and modest while dressing, the average female entrepreneur finds it difficult to talk like a man. They could have the best answers to prevention - oriented questions, but they need to learn to deflect, look people square in the eye and maintain a level tone of voice. So in a way the system penalises them for displaying stereotypical feminine traits and that leads to more self doubt. In fact, men are also at a disadvantage when they display “feminine” behaviors in the pitch room, while women are not penalized if they project more “masculine” behaviors (4).
The need of the hour is an ecosystem that supports women entrepreneurs. Women face unique challenges along the way, and while it’s rather euphemistic to say that that’s what sets them apart, it is true. The situation is worse in EU. Only 15% of companies founded since 2017 in the EU were (co-)founded by women. The story gets more grim when looking at companies that actually received VC funding. Only 12 percent of founders at EU companies that received VC funding are female, versus 88% male (5).
Entrepreneurial innovation is a globally thriving sector; and both men and women get penalised if women founders aren’t given their due weightage. Till the time funding women is seen as impact funding, there will be no movement in this sector for women and it will be a loss for the global economy as a whole.