Work with Shivangi

Is this you?
“My CTO [my board, my team, my peer], drives me crazy, and dramatically impacts the quality of my life.”
“I know I am good at what I do. I get a ton done. Getting stuff done is easy, but humans are hard. I want better relationships, and I want to be able to inspire my team.”
“What used to feel right – work, relationships, and life in general – doesn’t any more. I need a major life re-haul.”
“I know I am meant to do bigger and better things, but something is holding me back. I am not able to put a finger on what that is.”
“I live in a constant state of overwhelm. There is too much to do, not enough time to do it, and not enough time left over for the things I know in my heart are most important.”
Here’s what we can do together:
Visioning and goal setting. Thinking big picture about where you are, what you are doing, how you are feeling, and where you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to feel instead. Creating a plan for how to get there.
Growing through and transforming difficult relationships. People you experience as difficult are your greatest teachers. First, they’ll drive you crazy, and then they’ll enlighten you.
Planning and practising difficult conversations. Learning to communicate with kindness and candour, and to listen well. Creating teams and organizational cultures where kindness, candour, and listening well are standard.
Knowing and living your values no matter what. Living a life that is aligned with your values and what you value, especially in times of adversity.
Immunity to Change: Adaptive challenges or wicked problems are at the root of your frustrations. We will work on identifying your blindspots and focus on mindset transformation.
Power Intelligence : With great power comes great responsibility. We will learn how to align your personal power with your positional power to create conscious and sustainable leadership.
Learning to manage stress and avoid burnout. There is such a thing as simplicity on the other side of complexity. Creating teams and cultures where individuals know how to manage stress and avoid burnout.
Stopping bad habits, developing good habits. That thing you say you are going to start doing and make a habit? It really will change your life. (Examples: Sleeping 7-8 hours a night, eating well, exercising, setting aside time for focused attention, practising gratitude, regularly expressing appreciation, and using your calendar to schedule time for what is most important, at work and outside of work.)
Applying the 80/20 Principle to business + life. What 20% of your business + life is creating 80% of the results + joy? How to do more of that, less of the other.
Discovering your “type.” Examining the glasses through which you see the world, and understanding how others see the world differently. All types have a range. Learn what yours is at its best (and worst). (DISC, Hogan, Myers Brigg)
In a nutshell: Building and designing a life and work YOU LOVE.
My Ideal Coachee >
You are a CXO or senior executive.
You value independence and freedom and are considered by others to be somewhat unconventional.
You have a strong interest in personal development.
You are the same person at home and work or want to be. You value authenticity.
You are willing to step out of your comfort zone.
As in, talk about how you are really doing, what really bothers you, what you really, really care about and what you really, really want.
6 month engagement:
Personal assessment: Identities questionnaire and/or relevant psychometric
360-degree feedback: Interviews with those closest to you to discover strengths and weaknesses (optional)
Debrief and plan our coaching alliance
Half-day in-person kick-off session near Zurich, Switzerland
6 months of bi-weekly coaching (online and in-person) with text support in between.
What makes my coaching different
I am very open with my coachees and challenge their thinking and behaviour. And at the same time, I role-model how to powerfully speak one's truth in a respectful way. For some, this coaching style can be quite confronting but if you are someone who revels in this process, Leadership Branding Coaching is for you!
I create an environment of psychological safety in which you and I will have honest conversations. I will walk beside you every step of the way. I will always be thinking about you and how you can grow towards leading a fulfilling professional and personal life. In between sessions, I will typically be a sounding board for you and openly share feedback.
My extensive experience at the highest levels of organizations in talent management and succession planning roles, across various industries, means I will be very aware of your strengths and those unconsciously undesirable sides of your personality that may be hampering your advancement.
My background & philosophy
I became a leader of leaders in my early 30s in a foreign country where I did not look, think or behave like the majority. I have often been the youngest member of leadership teams and most of the times the only woman. This gives me a unique perspective when dealing with under-represented leaders.
I am driven to help those who, like me, will have to overcome invisible barriers in order to succeed.
And ideally enjoy the ride.
I believe that the biggest contributor to sustained success for any leader is a sense of meaning and purpose. Sometimes leaders, fall into the trap of portraying themselves as something they're not. They fall into the trap of expectations placed on them.
Expectations around being a good manager, a well liked and popular leader and biases that this 'leadership image' perpetuates.. The ‘noise’ from these expectations means they don’t know what gives them joy and what makes them come alive.
This is where working with me has helped my coachees to have the biggest breakthroughs. Because once you know who it is you really are and what is the work that makes you come alive, you can start living a Life of Abundance.
Leadership Branding Articles