How can Leadership Branding help draw out superior performance from your team?
There was deafening silence on the floor. Andy had just finished chastising Sarah. Andy was fastidious, hard to please with such assignments, but Sarah was green. She was giving it her best. Everybody around could see how upset she was. Averting her eyes, she walked to the pantry at the end of the floor. Her manager Rhea watched it all unfold. Sarah walked up to her to seek her advice on the next steps and Rhea had nothing for her. She just said “you screwed up.”
Tim found Sarah in the pantry and offered to look through what she had sent. He said, 'I know Andy can be tough but that’s only because she thinks you can do way better. He went on to say that he had worked with Andy on quite a few projects and knew exactly what she was gunning for'. Working with Tim made Sarah realise that she hadn't considered all possible scenarios. Tim helped her imagine and then execute. The project was a resounding success and from then on Andy always counted Sarah in on the team whenever they were working with time bound important projects.
Looking back, Sarah worked with 3 different leaders on that day- Andy, Rhea and Tim.
And Tim was the one who made sure that she forgot about all the baggage around the incident and only focused on the work. He didn’t have expectations that she had to live up to, but instead coached her to find her own answers, saying that she could do so much better.
I met Sarah recently and even now, years later after that incident, she remembers Tim fondly. In fact a lot of our coffee catch-up was about Tim, who is now a senior leader in another part of the world. But they stay in touch and even though they don’t work together, she knows she can call upon Tim if needed. That’s the beauty of being a leader.
How do you as a leader contribute to your own brand by helping put things in perspective for those who work with you?
How do you as a leader see the strengths that others bring to the table and also shine a light on potential derailers?
How do you as a leader build your personality so that rather than ruffling feathers, you become the wind in their wings?
Too poetic for the workplace? No, not really.
Studies show organizations with strong leadership are 13 times more likely to outperform their competition, and three times more likely to retain their most talented employees. CEO personality alone can account for a 29% variance in profitability, which is nearly four times more than the corporation itself (8%) or its industry (6%). And research suggests that top management has a much greater impact on organizational performance than even the CEO. (1)
I can’t help but agree knowing how big an impact Tim has made and continues to make for Sarah.
What can you do as a leader to ensure that work can actually be self- actualizing?
Bring more of yourself to work
We have the chance to fully 'grow up' at work. There’s absolutely no need to check out the messy parts of you at the door. Your emotions are precisely what gives you an edge over others. In the aftermath of New Zealand’s worst ever terror attack, Jacinda Ardern visited a Christchurch refugee centre to meet community leaders, wearing the hijab and placing her hand on her heart, a traditional Muslim gesture. Her insistence that New Zealand would remain a refuge for people of all faiths from across the world was lauded the world over. She didn’t look at what was “politically safe”; she looked at what was humane. She embodied that “leaders can lead without sacrificing who they are”.
Focus on high leverage behaviours
It’s not rocket science really. There are some behaviours that have a disproportionate effect on change, on people, on teams and in organisations. Satya Nadella was brought in to restore the Microsoft's long-dormant reputation for innovation and creativity. “He has allowed ideas to bloom and be considered,” says Terry Myerson, the executive in charge of Windows, who has been with the company since 1997. “That’s hard to do with big groups of people.” Nadella created a culture that is fundamentally not opposed to new concepts and new capabilities. He did this by owning up to his own mistakes, invoked what people already knew and he didn’t think he could teach them to be better. He also empowered employees to judge their own behaviour. All of that influenced employee behaviour at Microsoft and Nadella remains the biggest contributor to that change in culture.
As leaders, communicate enough and more. People seldom know what they are good at. Why not bring that in perspective for them by saying it out loud to them and to others? Instead of communicating your expectations to them, ask “what do they expect of themselves”. Serve as the sounding board and not the blackboard. Leaders create the space to choose new actions - voluntary actions. Be that leader.
Awe-inspiring leadership doesn’t have to only mean leading from the front. It also means having their back. It means that you can be the catalyst and not the change itself. Leadership branding is a lot about asking what are you bringing to the leadership process. It is about paying attention to what makes you unique as a leader and understanding how that will matter to those who work with you.