Make the Stage: Ask Shivangi Anything

Curious about harnessing this magic on stage? Join me for a live Q&A session on August 16th, 5-5:30 pm CET, where we'll discuss everything about the upcoming "Make the Stage" course and the little taster masterclasses. It's your chance to ask, share, and understand what's in store. Let's connect and make the stage yours!

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As Seen On

Your Master Trainer

The Masterclass is led by Shivangi Walke, TedX Speaker, Executive Coach, Master trainer and Founder of the vibrant non-profit Thrive with Mentoring.

Shivangi has trained, and coached leaders and leadership teams in over 40 countries for organizations like Google, Airbus, Johnson & Johnson, Syngenta, Roche, and Pfizer. She has inspired thousands of people globally through her non-profit Thrive with Mentoring and through her key notes and speaking most recently at TEDx Basel.