How do soft leaders build their leadership brand?
The best leaders help you see yourself. They usually bring a good combination of‘ support and challenge’ to the table.
How can Leadership Branding help draw out superior performance from your team?
Awe-inspiring leadership doesn’t have to only mean leading from the front. It also means having their back. It means that you can be the catalyst and not the change itself. Leadership branding is a lot about asking what are you bringing to the leadership process. It is about paying attention to what makes you unique as a leader and understanding how that will matter to those who work with you.
What fears keep senior women leaders stuck?
Our journey together will mean multiple rounds of crucial conversations - it’s not as easy as switching the job that you are unhappy at - but building and rebuilding relationships and the ecosystems that we are unhappy with.
What can Jacindamania teach us about leadership in these turbulent times?
While independence is a necessary step in fully expressing one’s leadership abilities, achieving interdependence requires intentionality and insight, courage and humility. Independence may produce change, but only interdependence can give birth to transformation. Daring Leaders make transformation possible through embracing, cultivating, and deepening the spirit of interdependence.
Daring Leaders - Bravery with one's SELF and then the World...
Tough conversations. Owning up when you go wrong. Delegating not just work, but authority too. Practicing gratitude consciously. Having the courage to be vulnerable. Bringing your heart to work. That’s a daring leader. And that isn’t gender-specific.
The Daring Leader- Catalysing a narrative that is beyond “ME”
As people, we do not excel when someone whose intentions are unclear tells us where we stand, how good we “really” are, and what we must do to fix ourselves. We excel only when people who know us and care about us tell us what they experience and what they feel, and in particular when they see something within us that really works. That’s what a leader does. And a leader trusts first. Be brave enough to trust first, to enable the system to trust you.
Women- the evolving definition of Daring Leaders
The challenge is compelling. Choosing to lead with courage will make all the difference.
Three ways to understand your ‘innate’ leadership brand
Identifying and taking a mindful look at our value systems and our histories. It is how the past informs the present, and how we can still change what’s happening while it is happening.
5 qualities that define Women Leadership
Leadership is a journey for all of us. And there’s a magic that comes with taking time out to reflect on the things that will make a difference.
What fears keep senior women leaders stuck?
The women I coach are dedicated, learned, connected, successful women. They know their jobs in and out. But no matter what rung of the C hierarchy they are on, the themes often feature “issues” with their bosses.